Crimson Brooks is an indie rock project from St.Petersburg, Russia, brought to life by two musicians and songwriters: Maria (vocal, guitar) and Greg (guitar). In 2015 they released their first record - soft rock EP called "Craving for More". Over the years their style morphed from bluesy soft rock with a nostalgic feeling to slightly more aggressive garage/blues rock. This got the band noticed by the local indie rock lovers, fans of such bands as Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Dead Weather and The Kills. In 2019 the duo continued developing sonically and started incorporating electronics into their music, often using synthetic drums and bass. Crimson Brooks showcased their brand new sound and aesthetic by releasing an indie rock single 'Stones'. The second (b-side) track on the record being heavier sounding one take studio recording of 'Lady Fortune'. At that time, the band shot their first music video for the song 'Stones': a walk through the night forest (which starts out weird and gets even weirder) shot on a handheld camera.
The latest single 'Good Side' lyrically is a passive aggressive confession of failing at being a nice and positive person. Sonically it's an upbeat catchy tune with the Jack White-like electric guitar and loud drums. 'Good Side' will be the second single to have a music video.